Welcome to
Multiply Education
Research Trials

Find out everything about the Multiply Education Research Trials

Welcome to the Multiply Education Research Trials website! This is the place to find out key information about the research trials being conducted by the Department for Education, with support from Etio (formerly Tribal Education Services).

We’ll be regularly updating the site with news, details about trials and helpful information as the programme moves forward. Please let us know if you have any additional questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

About the Multiply Education Research Trial Programme

Multiply is the government’s flagship programme for improving adult numeracy.

Since the programme began in 2021, there have been over 67,000 course starts. To build on the success of the programme to date, the Department for Education is developing a programme of trials that will be rolled out in 2024 and 2025, to strengthen the evidence base by testing the effectiveness of existing and new approaches to improving adult numeracy.

Confidence with numbers helps people in all aspects of their daily lives, whether cooking, ordering things, balancing the budget or getting well paid jobs. There are millions of adults across England who want to feel more comfortable with numbers and many have already benefited from the free interventions that have been delivered through the Multiply initiative. The aim of conducting Randomised Controlled Trials and Quasi-Experimental Trials is to generate new, high-quality evidence on what works in adult numeracy, to fill evidence gaps and to support broader efforts to ensure the value for money of spend in adult education by ensuring funding flows towards approaches underpinned by a good quality evidence base.


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How we use and protect your data

The purpose of the programme of trials is to evaluate interventions at a large scale and data collected for each trial will not be used for any other purpose. The trials will compare outcomes for learners in treatment and control groups, but there will be no comparisons made between individual organisations or teachers.

At an organisational level, we will ask for your contact details so that we can contact you when needed to arrange training, send you a survey or invite you to take part in an interview. 

During the trial period, we will also ask organisations to send the evaluation team the contact details of any learners who opt out of taking part in the trials, so they can make sure they are removed from the analysis.  For those learners who are taking part in the trials, we will ask for their contact details so we can send them a survey or invite them to take part in an interview about their learning experience. 

Finally, we will ask organisations to collect data on learner attendance and compliance with any homework tasks, so we can take into account the ‘dosage level’ (i.e. the amount of intervention received) in the analysis and see if this makes any difference to the results. All of these asks will be covered through appropriate data sharing documentation.  The full details of this will be included in the specification of an individual trial.

To find out further information about how government will use your data, please access this link.